Tag Archives: new custom imprinted items

Good Will Hunting – For Prospects

 Brad Duarte – BRAVA Marketing Promotions

Anyone you meet can become a new customer or refer on to you.  Make sure everyone knows what you do, what your company sells or what your organization is about.  The last thing you want to hear is “we just awarded the contract to ABC Company, I didn’t know you did that!”  You are better off with comment s like “yea yea we know you sell X”.  You may be surprised how many of your friends don’t know what you do or what your organization does.

A business card is good, a logo item leave-behind is better.  Sure give everyone your card but also give them something they will remember and keep around.  A simple pen with your logo, https://www.bravamarketing.com/writinginstruments  a custom printed product with your phone and web address will be around long after the business card goes into the circular file.  Not all promotional products are expensive.  There are lots of memorable items that can fit any budget.  Do you work for an IT, Computer or Software Company?  There are lots of computer related items that will get noticed and stay on the desk for a long time.  Make sure everyone you know has one.  Work in the food industry?  There is virtually a squeeze toy for every type of food possible.  https://www.bravamarketing.com/stressballs-relievers  They are fun, memorable and hard to toss out. 

So the next time someone ask you what you do hand them your unique printed item with your information and logo printed on it.  Yes you can give them a business card too.  It is proven the promotional item stay around for a wild, are really remembered and will be asked about long after your card is missed filed!

BRAVA Marketing Promotions www.bravamarketing.com offers more than 400,000 unique custom imprinted promotional products to increase your organizations brand and marketing impact. Contact us at 877-239-1227 toll free for ideas on the best values in results oriented promotional marketing items.

Stimulus Package Fails to Impact Organizations Marketing Programs. Has All This Money Increased Your Marketing Budget Yet?

By Brad Duarte, BRAVA Marketing Promotions

For most businesses the answer is no.  Sales and Marketing budgets are projected to still be under a lot of pressure for 2010.  In general ad revenues have not rebounded.  Even some of the larger corporations have cut back – no Super Bowl Pepsi commercials this year.  So what can you do to still motivate your staff, existing customers and generate new prospects?

One of the most proven methods is the strategic use of custom imprinted products.  Branded or Logo printed items handed out at the right time can have a dramatic effect on sales, contributions and good will.  For 2010 there are many new promotional products that are both cost effective and impactful.  

The big PPAI trade show was just held in Las Vegas where hundreds of new custom printed products were introduced.  This year creativity is off the charts as new items in just about all categories strive to be unique, progressive, useful yet economical and offering a high perceived value.  Remember a little something is better than nothing at all.  This year there are lots of new custom imprinted products in every budget range that your organization can use to help achieve your goals and objectives.

What’s New at BRAVA Marketing Promotions: https://www.bravamarketing.com/newproducts


BRAVA Marketing Promotions www.bravamarketing.com offers more than 400,000 unique custom imprinted promotional products to increase your organizations brand and marketing impact. Contact us at 877-239-1227 toll free for ideas on the best values in results oriented promotional marketing items.