Tag Archives: company branding

Make Sure the Logo on Your Custom Printed Merchandise Is Strong

Before you place an order for a box of custom printed promotional products, make sure your logo is a good one to help your promotional merchandise make a greater impact. Remember that your logo represents your company, your corporate culture, and the message you want to convey. Even if your company’s name isn’t present, a good logo will instantly bring your company and its products to mind. Think about the Apple or Nike logos. They are immediately recognizable and evoke strong emotions in people. If your logo is not strong, it could reflect poorly upon your company. Every company is different and logos must be, too. However, there are a few universal elements that help make strong logos. If you are struggling with developing a strong logo to put on custom imprinted products, keep these elements in mind. Continue reading Make Sure the Logo on Your Custom Printed Merchandise Is Strong

Stay Top-of-Mind with Your Potential Customers at Sales Meetings with Custom Imprinted Promotional Office Materials

Face-to-face sales meetings are still the way that most businesses gain the majority of their customers. And you need to make sure that you first impression is a lasting one. You need to be at the top of your game to make the sale, but there are some instances in which your potential customer may not be ready to buy for a whole number of reasons, including budgeting or timing, no matter how persuasive you are and no matter how fantastic your company or products or services are. In such cases, you want to make sure that you remain on their mind for when they are ready to buy. Custom imprinted promotional leave-behind materials can help you make a lasting impression with your potential clients. Continue reading Stay Top-of-Mind with Your Potential Customers at Sales Meetings with Custom Imprinted Promotional Office Materials

Inexpensive Promotional Giveaways Are Key in an Economic Downturn

The last few years have hit many companies hard, hardest on their budget for custom imprinted marketing products. The economic downturn has forced a lot of businesses into some unwanted belt tightening and made them make tough choices in their budgets. Often, the first line item to be slashed is advertising; however, experts say that this choice could not be more wrong. Companies that decide not to cut marketing expenses during a downturn end up grabbing more of the available market share than companies that do. That’s because companies that continue advertising become more visible to potential customers while the ones that stop advertising fade into the background. The key is to market your company in a more intelligent, streamlined, and less expensive way. Continue reading Inexpensive Promotional Giveaways Are Key in an Economic Downturn

Get a Jump Start on Summer with Custom Branded Merchandise

Items that your clients can use in the summer make fantastic business gifts. Even though there’s still a little bit of winter ahead of us, giving your clients summer-related gifts branded with your logo is a great way to help them shake off the winter doldrums, look forward to the warm weather ahead, and remind them that you were the person who helped. Every time they look at that bottle of sunblock lotion imprinted with your logo, they’ll think of sunny days at the pool, lazy afternoons at the beach, and the creative company that provided them with such a great business gift. Continue reading Get a Jump Start on Summer with Custom Branded Merchandise