Category Archives: Employee Recognition

Company Parties Are Much More of a Blast With a Custom Printed Beer Pitcher

Name any employee who wouldn’t love company parties with an open bar — or at least some alcohol. Talk about major employee morale and recognition. The thing is you can even promote your own business, your own brand, internally — as in with your employees, through company gifts and promotions.

But Nothing Beats Company Parties

Retreats. Functions. Personal development trips (to maybe Las Vegas or something?). That’s the ticket to retaining your employees — and you make it that much sweeter when you have your own custom branded beer pitchers for those times when you’re socializing company partieswith the marketing team, and all they see is the name of the company they work for. And they’re proud of it.

So what? — you say…. Big deal. The fact is when you cater to your employees and go the extra mile like that, you’re systematically ensuring that the quality of work increases substantially every year. This means more revenue. More profit. More raises. More promotions. And (every employee will love this one) — more company parties.

The best part? Those custom pitchers belong to you and your company for life. There’s no expiration date on these. No upkeep. No monthly ‘costs’. It’s a one-time payment for some promotional gifts or materials designed to boost the brand and make you the king of the crop not just with customers and clients, but your own people. So don’t knock it. Those branded beer pitchers might be the best thing for your next company party.

And Here’s What You Need to Do to Make That Happen —

BRAVA Marketing has the secret for you. Listen up. All you need to do is CONTACT US. We have design options for your next custom printed pitcher — and any other product you can think of. See what works for you. Let’s put your company on the next level of prestige — right now.

(And enjoy a pitcher of beer while you’re at it.)

Why a Promotional Keychain Would LOVE an LED Light to Make It Cool

Let’s face it: a promotional keychain at an event or summit in a swag bag gets a bit tired, and you know the drill — it’s branded marketing, getting the logo and name out, and everyone understands the meaning. The thing about a keychain is that it goes right on what we all use every day: our keys. You see the principle there?

That’s Why a Promotional Keychain Still Is a Hot Item in Today’s Custom Printed Market!

Too many keychains, though, can bulk it up a little too much for the troubled client or customer, which is why saturation spells doom for your brand unless you can stand out a bit more. Thanks to BRAVA Marketing, though, you have the added feature to help you stand out. LED lights! And here’s the bonus — it’s practical and useful.

We’re willing to bet you have a set of keys and only one of those keychains has an actual LED light. There’s a reason for that — you only need one. That light’s helpful for a lot of reasons: finding your keyhole in the dark, making the cat go crazy. You name it. The use is there in full force.

So Why Not Make It a Part of Your Promotional Marketing Plan?

It works well for employees. Customers. Clients. Partners. A never-ending soiree of LED subtlety. And BRAVA Marketing has it all right here. Moreover, believe it or not, but LED serves plenty of purposes regarding the promotional LED product, and you can find a lot of other options here. Contact us today for more information, and we’ll be glad to help you find the product that’s more you than anyone else.

Chances are good, though, the keychain unlocks the door to you. Good thing you’ve got the LED light to help you find that keyhole, though.

How to Be a Branded Bartender With Cocktail Shakers

We all want to be the snazzy, cool branded bartender at the hip bar shaking drinks and dancing to the music while the crowd loves you. Just remember — Tom Cruise did it. Why not you? As a business owner, you cater to yourself as a brand. Maybe you don’t actually own the bar you tend, but you certainly own your technique, and guess what:

Those Customers Are Watching You

You are a performer. You’re a showman. You are the reason why people come to the bar — to see you make and give the drinks. Because you’ve developed your own personal brand of awesomeness at the bar you happen to tend, it would make sense to consider perhaps branded bartendergetting your own line of cocktail shakers with your name on it.

What does that do? It leaves a lasting impression on your customers — that’s what it does. Not only are you promoting the success of the bar or nightclub, but you’re promoting the success of you as a valued employee, contractor, and actual celebrity of the nightlife!

What happens when you throw around those shakers, cups and glasses, performing for the crowds? They watch you. They see you doing that with cocktail shakers that actually have your name — or your brand — on it. You, of course, have to make sure it’s kosher with the bar or nightclub you’re working in, to use a cocktail shaker that isn’t solely branded with the business itself, but all in all, if you get the people in the doors for your martinis, chances are pretty good the owner(s) would practically encourage you to use your own stuff.

It saves them revenue. Think about it.

If You Like the Idea of Being an Awesome Branded Bartender, Consider This:

BRAVA Marketing has the options for you. Simply contact us right now, and we can get you started. You can browse all sorts of styles right here. Once you’re done, though, you can say EAT YOUR HEART OUT to Tom Cruise and become the next mixologist to the stars, flipping drinks and taking all the tips you want.

Forget the Tables for Your Company Picnic. Go With Custom Blankets!

The thing about company picnics is that oftentimes you get a bit of a production line with it. And then it feels a little too much like, well, work. Yes, we understand: you need a place to put all the food on. But you certainly don’t need to sit at one of those tables either! Company picnics are all about freedom. Fun. Fellowship. Taking the business out of the company and remembering that you’re all a team, and you can enjoy company and remind each other than it’s not just about making money. It’s about making a difference.

Custom Blankets Can Get You to That Pointcustom blankets-1

It’s obvious that a business wants from time to time to set up functions and bolster employee morale. Why not do it the best way possible and utilize blankets for those participating in picnics and celebrate your business that way? Don’t have your employees simply bring their own stuff. Provide for everyone. Makes everyone feel pride about who they work for, and the picnic isn’t just an opportunity to get a free meal. It’s to remind everyone that your business is a great place to work.

Further marketing and advertising makes for great times in reputation management. Your employees are enjoying themselves on your custom blankets! Take photos and videos. Post them on your social media. Let your entire industry know that you’re not just a leader in the business. You’re a leader for the entire corporate world of the economy.

It Sounds Like a Stretch, We Know

But custom blankets can go a long way in imprinting a lasting memory in an employee’s mind. You want great recognition, and it steadily grows in following years, and it never dies. That’s how you build a lasting legacy. With small things. And they lead to bigger possibilities. Just know that’s not the only way to use custom blankets. You can click here to find more options. And check out our various printed brands as well. Want more info? Contact us today for details. And thanks for reading, from BRAVA Marketing.