Tag Archives: brava marketing

No Longer a Ball Of Stress: The Benefits Of Stress Balls

Have you ever gotten so stressed that you just needed to squeeze something? Or your leg starts bouncing so violently that you hit your knee on your desk? Or possibly, you are just so fidgety that you can’t make your hand sit still? Stress balls are definitely the answer for you.

Health Benefitsballs

  • Relieve tension: When you squeeze the ball, the muscles in your arm and wrist tighten up. When you release it, these muscles relax, relieving some of your tension as well
  • Divert attention: Playing with a stress ball and squeezing it can help you take your mind off of whatever’s bothering you, letting your mind relax for a few minutes.
  • Prevent repetitive injuries: Actions like typing on the computer, playing musical instruments and using cell phones, among others, can cause hand or wrist injuries over a period of time. Using a stress ball strengthens the muscles in your wrists and hands and keeps them flexible, thereby preventing these injuries.

Perfect For The Office

The office is a place of stress and deadlines. A place that many workers become so stressed out that they can’t work properly and they can’t fully do their jobs.

Don’t let that plague the office anymore! A stress ball is the perfect thing to change the environment of any office. You may not be able to end what is causing the stress, but you can be part of the solution!


You brand or logo on a stress ball can let potential clients and even your own workers that you care about their well-being and mental health.

You brand name and logo could be synonymous with a calm and fun environment.

Visit BRAVA Marketing today to find the perfect stress balls for you and your brand today!

To check out all of the different stress balls available and how to customize them, click right here.

BRAVA Marketing Promotions specializes in producing high-quality promotional merchandise and unique custom printed products.

Contact us today for all your promotional product needs.