Tag Archives: Advertising Specialties

Prepare for Fall Conventions with BRAVA

The weather may be turning cooler, but the trade show and exhibition circuit is heating up! There are plenty of businesses that are looking to capitalize on the holiday season, so tables and booth will be filling up fast. If you’re looking to attend to get some networking in, or if you plan to exhibit, here are a few upcoming events to consider. Continue reading Prepare for Fall Conventions with BRAVA

Brand Your Wine or Champagne and Toast the Results

A really good bottle of wine is so evocative. It makes you mindful of an outstanding meal, a relaxing evening at home, or after-dinner drinks with important clients. Regardless of how much you know about wine — and there’s plenty to know — what matters most with a glass is the atmosphere, the ambiance, and the company.

Another spirit that conjures up its own images is Champagne. Long hailed as the drink of celebrations, Champagne is equally appropriate for toasts, world championship celebrations, and for mixing.

Continue reading Brand Your Wine or Champagne and Toast the Results

What to Consider When Branding Promotional Products

Let’s say you’re going to be opening up a brand-new cupcake shop. (For our purposes, we’ll call this new venture The Opaque Cupcake.) It’s something you’ve dreamed about for years, and everything is in place and ready for your grand opening. Naturally, you’re going to want to get the word out about The Opaque Cupcake, and just as naturally, you’re going to turn to BRAVA Marketing Promotions to whip up some great promotional giveaways to let everyone know you’re in business.

So you choose a custom engraved value pen in red, your favorite color. There’s only one problem — since red is your favorite color, that’s the color you’ve chosen for your logo (a speeding cupcake on wheels with the frosting flying). When you put the red logo on the red pen, it looks awful. Continue reading What to Consider When Branding Promotional Products

Custom Promotional Items Delivered in a Hurry

It’s trade show season, and you’ve spent days focusing on every little detail – transportation, hotel reservations, entrance fees, booth design. Or maybe you’re working on a new sales campaign at your office. You’ve spent many sleepless nights thinking about messaging, choosing which clients to target, focusing on your bottom line. Or the end of the year is just around the corner. You’re trying to close the books, keep track of your employees’ vacation days, and make sure you squeeze in your own. You have so many details running through your brain and you think you’ve thought of everything, but there’s some nagging feeling in the back of your mind that you’ve forgotten something. Uh-oh – you forgot to order promotional giveaways for the tradeshow or custom printed marketing items for your sales campaign or promotional novelties to give away for the holidays. But there is no need to panic. BRAVA Marketing  Promotions offers thousands of products that can be branded with your logo and shipped to you so that they arrive at your office in five days. Now you can breathe a sigh of relief. Continue reading Custom Promotional Items Delivered in a Hurry