The Ultimate Guide to Personalized Hand Sanitizer

Looking to promote your brand with custom bulk hand sanitizer? Brava Marketing has created this buying guide so your buying decision is well informed and stress-free!

Why Buy Custom Hand Sanitizer?
There are many variables to consider when buying wholesale custom hand sanitizer including features, sizes, and types of sanitizer. Knowing the different variables that come into play will help you decide which will best resonate with your target audience. Paying attention to these little details can make a huge difference! This guide will help answer all of the questions you may have in regards to personalizing hand sanitizer for your next promotional giveaway.

There are numerous benefits when it comes to advertising your brand with promotional products. For example, a consumer study by PPAI stated that 83 percent of consumers said they are more likely to do business with brands from which they received promotional products over other brands. Promotional products are received as more meaningful to clients, compared to online advertising. A recent ad impressions study by ASI stated that consumers are nearly 2.5 times more likely to have a positive opinion of promotional products compared to online advertising. You can’t ignore statistics! Advertise your company with promotional products and you will see results.

Be Prepared
As you all may know, hand sanitizer is in high demand due to the Covid-19 outbreak. In fact, a recent study by Grand View Research stated that the global hand sanitizer market size valued at USD 2.7 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 22.6% from 2020 to 2027. Crazy, right? For good reason. Practicing hand washing and hand sanitizer use is vital in times like this. The CDC did a great job explaining when and how to properly use hand sanitizer:

When should I use hand sanitizer?
Before and after visiting a friend or loved one in a hospital or nursing home, unless the person is sick with Clostridioides difficile (if so, use soap and water to wash hands).
If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, and wash with soap and water as soon as you can.
DO NOT use hand sanitizer if your hands are visibly dirty or greasy—for example, after gardening, playing outdoors, fishing, or camping. If a handwashing station is available, wash your hands with soap and water instead.

How should I use hand sanitizer?
Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Supervise young children when they use hand sanitizer to prevent swallowing alcohol, especially in schools and childcare facilities.
Put enough sanitizer on your hands to cover all surfaces.
Rub your hands together until they feel dry (this should take around 20 seconds).
DO NOT rinse or wipe off the hand sanitizer before it’s dry; it may not work well against germs.

  • Commonly Asked Questions Regarding Hand Sanitizer
    When is hand sanitizer not effective? Visibly soiled hands and harmful chemicals. Sanitizer doesn’t remove the dirt on your hands, in this case hands should be washed prior to applying hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizers may not remove harmful chemicals such as pesticides and heavy metals like lead.
    What is the recommended percentage of alcohol in hand sanitizers to kill germs? To be effective against killing germs, the CDC recommends to use a sanitizer with an alcohol strength of at least 60%.
    Is hand sanitizer harmful? No, the branded sanitizers have an approved formula by FDA and other drug authorities. However, continuous use of sanitizer would take away water content and make the skin dry. To avoid this, hand sanitizers with moisturizer are a great alternative.
    How long is hand sanitizer effective? Hand sanitizer does not protect you long term, so it is vital to practice washing your hands and applying hand sanitizer after going in public places.
    Does hand sanitizer expire? Yes, hand sanitizer does expire. However, the expiration date indicates when the percentage of active ingredients drops below 90 percent of the percentage on the label. While not dangerous to use hand sanitizer after its expiration date, it may be less effective. Typically, hand sanitizer expires after 2 to 3 years.
    Where should hand sanitizer be stored? Hand sanitizer should be stored out of reach of children and should not be stored anywhere above 105°F.
    Is it safe to eat food after using hand sanitizer? Be cautious about excessive use of sanitizer, as it can make you prone to viral infections as removal of bacteria gives ample space for certain viruses (norovirus) to grow and sanitizers are not capable of denaturing noroviruses or equivalents.
    What kills more germs, sanitizer or soap? According to the CDC, “Soap and water are more effective than hand sanitizers at removing certain kinds of germs like norovirus, Cryptosporidium, and Clostridioides difficile, as well as chemicals.” So while hand sanitizers are great on the go and add convenience, don’t forget to still wash your hands!