Does rubbing sanitizer work better against a virus than soap?

What research do we base ourselves on?

British researchers investigated which means is the most efficient for cleaning the hands: water and soap or disinfecting with alcohol.

They looked at two categories of studies. In laboratory studies, the researchers brought a
dish containing viruses and bacteria into contact with a test product. Afterwards, they looked at how many more multiplied.

In tests on humans, they contaminated the hands of test subjects with certain viruses and bacteria and then washed them with various test products. Afterwards, the researchers looked at how clean the hands were.

The researchers concluded that soap and water are the most effective at flushing out viruses and bacteria. Alcohol products make various bacteria harmless, but are generally less effective against viruses than soap.

How should we interpret this news?

Regular soaps on their own have minimal effect against viruses and bacteria, but in combination with rubbing and rinsing under water, it is effective to remove viruses and bacteria from
the outer layer of the skin.

It is best to wash your hands after every toilet visit, after blowing your nose and after you cough or sneeze. Before and after dinner is also a good time, just like before and after you have used public transport, for example, because you may have a risk of contamination.