Category Archives: Summer

Why Baywatch Lovers Will Run in Slo-Mo Over Custom Sun Block Lotion Products

Come on. Everyone loves “Baywatch.” Don’t deny it. Arguably it’s one of Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson’s more ambitious and — yes, riskier — film vehicles as of yet, but you can’t deny the camp and awesomeness of the babes in red and the man with the flotation device and flowy hair (except Dwayne Johnson does not have the Hasselhoff hair. Obviously.). Which is why if you’re a lifeguard, and you want to promote yourself with the ladies at the beach, nothing says loving like custom sun block lotion branded either in your name, or your beach’s name!

Remember, All Kidding Aside: This Is About Getting People to Visit the Beach

So you need to offer a product that markets the location. Having convenient products like custom sun block lotion items makes for a great way to offer what swimmers and sun-bathers need to start looking oiled, tanned and hot. Forget the trying to hit on the ladies factor, and definitely a lot of those bikini wearers would need some help spreading the lube on the skin to prevent cancer.

But the fact is this is about your salary or hourly pay. You are a lifeguard. And while it’s fun just sitting around on one of those towers with sun block on your nose to prevent peeling and never seeing an explosion, shark, thief, or some other odd happening you’d normally find on a “Baywatch” episode, you at least want to provide a benefit not only to your beach, but to your babes, swimmers, surfers, and families with coolers and tents. You might even see a pay increase for the kind of value you’ve brought to the table.

Buy Custom Sun Block Lotion in Bulk, Sell at a Higher Price

Most beaches have ways to make some additional revenue, accounting for expenses in maintenance and salaries for everything from coast guards to lifeguards. So do the math. BRAVA Marketing has the product. Now all you need to do is find a style in the design you want right here. Then contact us!

And don’t forget to start running for the latest emergency. In slow motion.

Golf Outings Are a Big Deal in Business, Which Is Why You Need THIS

Let’s say you’re a lawyer. Or a big-time affiliate marketer. Maybe you’re a CEO for a nonprofit, and you realize that golf outings are big business when it comes to gifts from major corporations. The idea behind a golf outing is that you’re developing a business relationship with a potential client or colleague. It’s not just about playing the game — it’s about getting the big-name account, which means what?

Big Money, Big Revenue — Golf Outings Are All About Big Profits

Hence why when you’re on that golf outing, you’re practically participating in a real-time “marketing” event! So everything about you will be marketable! You’re not the one swinging that driver. Your business is. You’re not the one slowly swinging the putter. Your brand is.

Working with BRAVA Marketing to enhance your brand with the highest quality products, –like a golf tee holder, for instance — can easily change the game and imprint a lasting impression on any colleague, client or constituent you bring to the green. And you can find other products as well, but one thing’s for sure: you hand over that branded golf tee holder with your company name on it to the person you’re having a fun game of golf with, and they’re going to remember you even more.

It Then Means Instant Recall, Constant Business Development

And, of course, more revenue for you in the long run. The concept really applies to just about any industry — doctors, lawyers, writers, marketers, you name it. When you know how to network, and people to this day still network while choosing their clubs for their next stroke, having the best custom products out there to market yourself is an instant revenue producer.

See all of our designs right now! Then contact us right away. The course is waiting for your hole in one.

That Custom Printed Golf Tee Holder Makes All the Difference

We often get a lot of turned heads as far as communicating the value of the simplest things regarding promotional gifts or products. Seriously, a custom pen?? So what, right? we won’t get into that (although we could), but the thing is there’s a lot that goes into those little products you think you won’t need for your organization (but secretly do), and when it’s branded, it’s better. We’re talking about country clubs and even retail stores, for one. And let’s talk about golf. What’s the one thing golfers absolutely need? Yes, you guessed it: a custom printed golf tee holder!

Aside From Golf Clubs, and Maybe a Caddie (or a Pair of Knickers), That Custom Printed Golf Tee Holder Is a Must

For the professional golfer, or even the weekend putter, you might get away with not having this essential item, but if you love the game of golf, getting those golf tee holders is a must. So think about this from a retail standpoint — if you’re branding yourself, and you’re targeting your demographic (golfers), what’s going to happen if they see your product?

Not only are they going to buy it, but that’s instant promotional marketing for you. For your country club. For your sporting goods store. You name it. Purchasing this item in bulk and allowing you to upsell with your brand name will mean big bucks for you and easy birdies for them. You can’t beat that.

The Value Is Immediate, Especially With the Low Bulk Prices

With BRAVA Marketing, your profit is practically guaranteed. And we have many styles available right here. Did you find a style or design that works? Go ahead and contact us! We’ll ship your stuff to you immediately. This will mean the world to the golfers you sell your products to, so don’t hesitate. Because all they really care about is that hole in one. With BRAVA Marketing, you’re an eagle waiting to happen. Start now.

The Untold Secret of Effective Golf Sponsorships: Divot Repair Tools (and Other Stuff)

Golfers really do get a bum rep when you think about it. Contrary to what many might believe, clubs and opens don’t pay professional golfers to show up. Rather, it’s the other way around! Your typical golf god like Tiger Woods has to fork over the money just to play in the U.S. Open. However, when you’re as popular as Tiger Woods, golf sponsorships do help out tremendously….

But What If You’re Not Tiger Woods? How Do You Nab Those Golf Sponsorships?

That’s right: you can have a business sponsor you for entrance fees, equipment, and othergolf sponsorships-1 stuff necessary to enter an open and compete, saving you money down the road. That’s how a professional golfer operates, actually. They’re very much like Nascar drivers. The thing is it does take a lot of work to get a business interested in sponsoring you and getting some marketing and advertising for it.

Have you seen those golfers wear all sorts of marketing? There’s a reason for that…. But what if you’re not that good? How do you sell yourself to a potential sponsor? First off…. You contact BRAVA Marketing!

Let’s explain. The thing is it does take a lot of an investment for a business to sponsor you, because for that business to get anything out of it, they need the marketing collateral. When people see you golf, and pictures are taken, a business wants to see their label and brand practically written all over you.

But for a lot of services out there, it’ll cost a few arms and legs to do that — unless BRAVA Marketing can help.

Pitch this to a potential sponsor, stating that you can provide the instant marketing for their brand, and you have a secret weapon. You may be good at the putt or the drive, but you’ll look even better when you tell a potential sponsor that they don’t even have to cough up any investment to sell their brand on you.

Believe Us: It’s Worth It. Check BRAVA Marketing Out Now.

In many cases, the value’s much more cost-effective. As a professional golfer, you want all your ducks in a row. Get hats. Get those custom divot repair tools. Show them off. Get your sponsor that free marketing and exposure. And let them reap the benefits. Check out our selections right now.

The only thing is this: you definitely have to work on your swing.